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Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project

This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It expanded data management functions of: 1.EIA category definition meetings data, 2.EIA committee examine meetings data, 3.EIA examine meetings records, 4.EMS data exchanging, 5.EIA pollutant reduction tables data, 6.Publishing local EIA meetings information, 7.Collected public opinion, 8.EIA reports files list of EIAMBR application, 9.Statistics of EIA committee members attendance, 10.Meetings information of EIA developers, 11.Evaluation data of EIA consultants, 12.and other assigned functions. At the same time this project updated 448 EIA reports data in database and 129 cases on the EIA development activities forum were be checked.
Environmental Impact Assessment, System, Maintenance